Thursday, August 29, 2013

3 Countries in One Day

I haven't posted in a few days because wifi isn't as accessible as I had hoped it would be. We're almost an entire week into our trip now and time really is flying by fast. Monday we hit 3 countries in one day. We woke up in Antwerp, Belgium and had breakfast.

Antwerp city center. It was packed because of a music festival.
 We ate lunch in the Netherlands and walked around some castle ruins in Valkenburg, Netherlands.

Valkenburg, Netherlands

 We arrived in Germany in the afternoon and Kevin did his race car thing (see post below), then we checked into our hotel room in Koblenz, Germany and had dinner along the Rhine River.

Statue where the Mosel River meets the Rhine River in Koblenz

I'll try to do a brief synopsis of each city. We spent two full days in Antwerp which is just a beautiful city. For us, it was our first taste of an old European city center. It's dominated by a church, The Cathedral of Our Lady, but the city has several other interesting churches and historical buildings as well. FYI: if you ever go to Antwerp, almost everything is closed on Sundays. This was unfortunate since Sunday was the day we set aside for touring Antwerp, but we did still get to see a lot of the city. Also, the place turns to party town on Saturday nights. We didn't mind it, since we sometimes enjoy that kind of thing. And it isn't like "oh my gah.. lets get stupid drunk" type of party-scene, but there are bars that are open late. Anyway, that's Antwerp. And here are a few photos.

Brabo & The Giant's Hand (city center)
The same famous old statue with some drunk dudes hanging on it late at night.

Outside of St. James Church. The ornate details both inside and outside this church are a must-see.

Selfie in front of Cathedral of Our Lady. This church has some awesome works of art inside of it. I'm sure I'll do an art blog at some point on this trip.
 We walked around Antwerp on Sunday and hit the road again towards Germany on Monday morning. As I mentioned, we stopped in Valkenburg, Netherlands for lunch and to get out and stretch our legs at a castle. Here are a few more highlights:

Castle ruins in Valkenburg. This was a great place to stop and spend an hour learning about history.

This is what happens when you break the law in Europe. (No, just kidding, this doesn't happen)

No selfie today because we found someone to take our picture.
Kevin has already posted about our other stopover on Monday. He knocked a big one off of his bucket list, and I guess I did too since I sat shotgun for two laps. We ended the night in Koblenz, Germany where the Rhine meets the Mosel. More on that in another post...

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