Friday, August 23, 2013

Taking Off

My first post for the blog and of course it's about technology. We've already completed our first flight and we're on our plane to Brussels, waiting to finish loading. We decided for our flight over that we wanted to pay the extra $80 each to get Economy Plus seats with extra room and free drinks justifying the expense for the improvement in comfort that will hopefully let us have a good first day in Belgium. I'm very well impressed already with how much more room there is in this seat, and the USB charging port you can see under the seat back monitor would be perfect for running a tablet the entire flight. At the bottom left of the photo you can see the A/C outlet for running a full laptop! I'm hoping to sleep but if I can't at least I'll be able to play some games. I don't know if I want to try getting any more Nurburgring practice without my steering wheel but some Fallout: New Vegas at 35000 feet would be interesting.

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